2018 Breakout Sessions

Breakout Sessions

The Breakout Sessions are an opportunity to engage more deeply with the topics represented in the four conference tracks:

  1. Fair Trade at the Heart of Sustainability
  2. Building a Diverse and Inclusive Movement
  3. Driving Purchase to Drive Impact
  4. Colleges and Universities Driving the Movement.

Choose from a variety of panels, interactive workshops, and roundtable discussions to expand your knowledge of Fair Trade, gain new skills for your advocacy, and connect with the topics that most inspire you to action. 

Track 1 | Fair Trade at the Heart of Sustainability
No movement towards a more sustainable world is complete without including issues of social justice and human rights, and Fair Trade is uniquely positioned to deliver on the broad scope of the sustainability movement. Learn how Fair Trade is bringing social and economic sustainability to the level of focus that environmental issues currently hold, and how to embed Fair Trade as an actionable solution in your sustainability and social justice advocacy, and institutional commitments.

Breakout sessions will include:
– Your Social Justice and Sustainability Toolkit: The Role of Fair Trade
– Building Sustainable Supply Chains
– Stories from the Field
– Breaking Down Silos: Human Rights, Sustainability, and Fair Trade

 Track 2 | Building a Diverse and Inclusive Movement
As Fair Trade continues to grow and expand, we must ensure that expansion is even and inclusive. With awareness of Fair Trade at an all time high, there is unprecedented opportunity to engage and enroll a more diverse range of stakeholders and communities in our movement. From stronger connections with producers to engagement of new partners and communities, join us as we work to grow a more inclusive movement, together.

Breakout sessions will include:
– Producers at the Heart of Fair Trade
– Making Fair Trade the New Normal: Expanding the Market, Increasing Access
– Office Hours with Dr. Chatelain: Speed Coaching Session on Organizational Challenges
– Building a Culture of Diverse, Equitable and Inclusive Advocacy

 Track 3 | Driving Purchase to Drive Impact
Consumer demand is critical to the success of Fair Trade, and increased purchasing translates that demand directly to increased impact in producer communities. As advocates, brands, and NGOs are all working to activate the purchasing power of consumers and institutions, we will explore ways that we can align and build more cohesion in our collective efforts. Join us to activate the purchasing power of individuals and institutions, and amplify our impact.

Breakout sessions will include:
– Expanding Our Impact
– Learning from Leaders: Success Stories from Long-Running Campaigns
– Fair Trade Storytelling: Translating Words into Action
– Growing the Movement Together: Brands, NGOs and Advocates Aligning Efforts

 Track 4 | Colleges & Universities Driving the Movement
Student advocates and campus allies have a central role to play in the growth of the Fair Trade movement. From educating the next generation of consumers and activists to leveraging the immense purchasing power of campuses to the influence that a campus has in the surrounding community, campus-based campaigns have the power to influence and reach thousands. Explore opportunities to support and leverage this growth – how to harness student activism, embed Fair Trade education, develop campus to community relationships, and more.

Breakout sessions will include:
– Collaborating with Campus Dining 101
– Fair Trade in the Classroom and Beyond
– Campus to Community: Amplifying Our Impact
– Case Studies in Successful Campus Advocacy